An R Introduction to Statistics

Adjusted Coefficient of Determination

The adjusted coefficient of determination of a multiple linear regression model is defined in terms of the coefficient of determination as follows, where n is the number of observations in the data set, and p is the number of independent variables.

R2adj = 1 - (1- R2)-n--1--
                 n - p- 1


Find the adjusted coefficient of determination for the multiple linear regression model of the data set stackloss.


We apply the lm function to a formula that describes the variable stack.loss by the variables Air.Flow, Water.Temp and Acid.Conc. And we save the linear regression model in a new variable stackloss.lm.

> stackloss.lm = lm(stack.loss ~ 
+     Air.Flow + Water.Temp + Acid.Conc., 
+     data=stackloss)

Then we extract the coefficient of determination from the adj.r.squared attribute of its summary.

> summary(stackloss.lm)$adj.r.squared 
[1]  0.89833


The adjusted coefficient of determination of the multiple linear regression model for the data set stackloss is 0.89833.


Further detail of the adj.r.squared attribute can be found in the R documentation.

> help(summary.lm)